Per enfatizzare la nuova evoluzione del brand, Or.nami presenta sul proprio profilo Instagram Concept, una serie di sketch disegnati a mano in cui le carte d’arredo e il parquet – accostati in un dialogo serrato che ne amplifica echi e suggestioni – allestiscono stanze immaginarie concepite come paesaggi domestici di estrema raffinatezza, abitati da arredi contemporanei. La natura del disegno rafforza la nuova narrazione del brand, attraverso una forma espressiva calda e concreta, in grado di tradurre su carta le visioni inedite generate dalla creatività che scorre libera lungo le superfici, a servizio del progetto. 

In order to emphasise the new evolution of the brand, Or.nami will be presenting Concept, a series of sketches through its social media presence – Instagram in particular – and on its website; these sketches will see the brand’s wallpapers and parquet brought together in a concise dialogue which amplifies their echoes and suggestions, as they are used to finish imaginary rooms conceived as highly refined domestic landscapes, inhabited by contemporary furnishings. The nature of the design narrative reinforces the brand’s new storytelling, through a warm and concrete expressive form which is able to translate onto paper the original visions generated by the creativity which flows freely along the surfaces, at the service of the design.